chen12's Profile


10 battle wins
7 of 7,626 unique Pokémon
46,773 total experience
6,682 average experience
107.0 points
Ranked 123,972nd in the world
Ranked 14,038th in Canada
0 of 2,122 sidequests completed
6,910 in the bank
Never placed in a season


Member account
Registered on June 17, 2024
Last logged in June 20, 2024
Currently not online
Is not currently in a clan
Followed by 0 players
Following 0 players

chen12's Team

Level: 21 HP: 84
Exp: 10,618
Shadow Shroomish
Level: 13 HP: 52
Exp: 6,703
Shiny Combee
Level: 6 HP: 30
Exp: 3,000
Shiny Magikarp
Level: 13 HP: 65
Exp: 6,952
Shadow Skarmory
Level: 9 HP: 36
Exp: 4,500
Metallic Magikarp
Level: 16 HP: 64
Exp: 8,000
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